
Psammetichus's Law, or the most ancient language in the world the Colchis dragon spoke

"How did the world's first language emerge?" and "Where?" are questions historical linguists usually ignore when they try to provide their reconstructions of proto-languages. But when they try to answer the question "When?" applying it to some hypothetical intermediary proto-language, they willingly use methods and tools from other sciences not initially intended to be used in linguistics, with no verification of the results obtained in such a way. The issues with reconstructing a proto-language start with the system of rules assumed in the comparative method's model. In this video, we will shed more light on why this system is likely to be wrong using, among others, the historical record and provide a fresh and more precise perspective on the languages of Ukraine, the Caucasus, and some regions outside, of the ancient and mediaeval period - including Scythian, Cimmerian, Sauromatian, and Hunnic to name a few. Keywords: Scythian language, Cimmerian...